Learn The Facts
In the U.S. today, statistically you are more likely to die from an opioid overdose than from a car crash or even gun violence. Closer to home, the opioid crisis has become even more dire for East Baton Rouge (EBR) Parish residents.

Awareness is the first step in combating this crisis. We must heighten awareness in our community, educate our youth, bring focus to the problem, and enact practical — yet rapid — change to save lives.

Overdose Deaths in East Baton Rouge Parish between Jan.1 and March 18th of 2023
Overdose Deaths in East Baton Rouge Parish between Jan.1 and March 18th of 2024
26 Pending and 28 Confirmed
DOWN 11.48%
Highest Reduction We've seen so far!
*Data provided by The EBRDA Crime Strategies Unit (CSU) based on data received from the EBR Coroner & Police Incident Reports.
Fentanyl – a synthetic opioid that is at least 50-100x more potent than morphine.
Pharmaceutical – Regulated by the FDA and used “safely” to treat severe pain
Non-pharmaceutical – Not regulated (more dangerous), illicitly manufactured (IMF), and often more potent, resulting in unintended overdose
Fentanyl is the leading drug in overdoses. It is being laced into other things, including marijuana, and many are not aware they are taking it. First-time experimentation can be fatal. Just 2 mg – or less than 0.007% of an ounce – causes certain death.
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